errors 0.6.3
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CinterfaceThis is the abstract class for all interface type. Disable copy and move operations
 Cbase_errorA base error class
 Ccode_errorAn error that has a code
 Cerror_with_causeA base error class
 Cerror_without_causeA base error class
 Cexception_errorAn error that has an exception
 Cruntime_errorAn error that has a message
 Csystem_errorAn error that has a system error code
 Cwrap_errorAn error which wraps another error
 CerrorInterface representing an error
 Cerror_ptrSmart pointer to errors::error with some utility member functions
 Csource_locationThe source location
 CwrapA function like class to wrap an error
 Cadl_serializer< ::errors::error_ptr >
 Cadl_serializer< ::errors::source_location >