errors 0.6.3
▼Nerrors | |
▼Ndetail | |
Cinterface | This is the abstract class for all interface type. Disable copy and move operations |
▼Nimpl | |
Cbase_error | A base error class |
Ccode_error | An error that has a code |
Cerror_with_cause | A base error class |
Cerror_without_cause | A base error class |
Cexception_error | An error that has an exception |
Cruntime_error | An error that has a message |
Csystem_error | An error that has a system error code |
Cwrap_error | An error which wraps another error |
Cerror | Interface representing an error |
Cerror_ptr | Smart pointer to errors::error with some utility member functions |
▼Cmake | |
Cwith | |
Csource_location | The source location |
Cwrap | A function like class to wrap an error |
▼Nnlohmann | |
Cadl_serializer< ::errors::error_ptr > | |
Cadl_serializer< ::errors::source_location > |